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  • LA Felleman


By LA Felleman

Ruined for any other leader

by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

he of properly British firmness

righteous indignation in brief bursts

tonight he saved a species from extinction

last night he argued for android civil rights

an hour (less commercial breaks)

all the time he needed to solution.

Spoiled for any other approach

taking more than 60 minutes

to spare a planet from its ignorance

while I tidy up the place

LA Felleman is an accountant in Iowa City. She organizes a writers open mic at the public library (or via Zoom during pandemics) and serves on the advisory council of Iowa City Poetry. Her first chapbook, The Length of a Clenched Fist, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.

Twitter @_felleman

Instagram @la_fell_01

Facebook @lafelleman

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